EVS - Happy kids, happy Europe
It was the 1st of October when I arrived in Slovenia to work as a volunteer under Erasmus+ programme European Voluntary Service on the project named "Happy kids, happy Europe". Now after three weeks have already passed, I can’t agree more with the saying that time flies.
The first week was a week of exploring and adapting to the social, cultural, and work environment here. I was pleased and lucky to start attending workshops a day after my arrival which only made my integration smoother. I had two art workshops with Silva with children of different ages. Then it was the time for the annual ex-tempore in Piran. The variety of workshops and activities was pleasant to experience, and a big bonus was to see the beauty of artistic and colourful place as Piran.
The second and the third week I had to start preparing for my school visits and presentations about Bulgaria. I have delivered three presentations so far. It is valuable experience to communicate with different audiences. And even when students are the same age, there’s always something very unique about each group. Children curiosity, hospitality, honesty and positive energy add a significant value to the whole process of presenting and mutual cultural exchange.
The project duration is 3 months and 11 days of which 83 are yet to come. It’ll be interesting to see how the project will evolve, and I hope to manage to deepen my cooperation with the schools, organizations and students.
You coud find more information about what am I doing on the blog I created about the project.
Stay happy! :)